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2019-03-20 16:44:09|已浏览:1583977次

考点1 并列结构
在文章当中听到Also, and,plus等这些并列连接词,或者总分结构中的并列,比如 There are a couple of factors/elements/ways, 后面教授会罗列并列的要点,考生需要迅速将前后的并列的要点通过笔记的形式记录,例题如下:
例题1:TPO7L4 Q4:What factors are involved in the amount of deformation a glacier undergoes? Click on 2 answers
A.The thickness of glacial ice
B.The hardness of glacial ice
C.The amount of water beneath the glacial ice
D.The temperature of the glacial ice
相应原文:Now, there are a couple of factors that affect the amount of deformation that takes place or the speed of the glacier’s movement for example. Deformation is more likely to occur the thicker the ice is, because of the gravity of the weight of the ice. And temperature also plays a part here, in that cold ice does not move as easily as ice that is close to the melting point.
解析:在这道题目当中,教授先用a couple of factors这样的总分结构引入下面的分论点,然后说了2个影响冰川变形量的因素,以并列连接词Also连接,第一个是the thicker the ice is, 第二个是temperature,所以答案应该是AD
例题2:TPO31C2 Q3:What two requirements did the student have to meet in order to get the internship? Click on 2 answers
A.he had to have volunteered previously at the aquarium
B.he had to be certified in scuba diving
C.he had to be a senior oceanography student
D.he had to have experience collection oceanographic data
相应原文:Well, the internship requires me to have scuba diving certification and to be a senior oceanography student.
解析:学生描述的实习的条件是需要scuba diving的证书,以及必须要是大四的海洋学学生。所以答案是BD
考点2 离散结构

例题:TPO10C2 Q3: What is the store's policy about giving refunds on books?Click on 2 answers
A.Books that are not for a specific course will receive a store credit instead of a refund
B.Course textbooks can be returned for a full refund early in the school semester
C.All books must be returned within two weeks to be eligible for a full refund

D.Only books that are in new condition will get a full refund

B:Well, for a full refund: store policy is that you have to return merchandise 2 weeks from the time it was purchased. Uh... but for assigned textbooks or anything having to do with specific courses. Wait... was it for a specific course?
Yeah, but actually…
Well... for course books, the deadline is 4 weeks after the beginning of the semester.
D:Exactly!!! The book has to been in perfect condition of course. They can’t be marked up or looked use in any way for the full refund, I mean.


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