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冲刺 —— 武汉军运会

发布时间:2019-11-08 15:44:40

冲刺 —— 武汉军运会



各位,武汉军运会即将到来,ARE YOU READY?今天我们武汉赛拓教育带大家来学一下有关军运会的知识

首先,军运会的全称是  CISM Military World Games,今年是第7届,武汉通过激烈的竞争取得了此次的主办权。CONGRATULATIONS!

开场可以这样介绍:When you ask me + about a sport event, I would like to bring out 7th CISM Military World Games in Wuhan.It’s the second largest games we ever have -  weve ever held since Beijin Olympic Games.(用来渲染和体现赛事的规模与重要性,顺便点题;长句更能代表你的语言能力)

根据各方达成的共识,武汉军运会定于20191018日至27日举行,赛期10天,共设置射击、游泳、田径、篮球等27个大项、329个小项。其中,空军五项、军事五项、海军五项、定向越野和跳伞5个项目为军事特色项目,其他项目为奥运项目。超过100个以上的成员国将如期参加此次赛事。According to the common views, Wuhan games will be held + for 10 days from October 18th to 27th, 10 days altogether. These , including 27 major terms and 329 minor terms such as shooting,swimming,track & field,+ and basketball 27 major terms329 minor terms. Besides of these, Air force pentathlon, Navy pentathlon Military pentathlon,Orienteering cross-country and parachuting are special programmes, + while the rest belongs to Olympics games.More than 100 member states will come to join the competetions. (用数据清晰的勾勒出比赛的规模,让听者不禁神往)


主会场位于武汉体育中心,也就是沌口体育场,经常承办一些大型的户外活动,如演出、演唱会等。The main centre for the games is located in Wuhan Sports Center that is in ZhuanKou of HanYang,which has been hosted some large outdoor activities, such as performances, concerts, etc. It’s also an lankmark building in my city.(清楚有效的把地点功能详细化,充分考虑到考官的陌生感)

分赛场将分布于江城各地,总计35个场馆,充分满足比赛的各项需求。Sub arenas will be placed  - distributed  in a circle across the whole city as it perfectly meets  - to meet the needs with - of the games.

本届军运会会徽名为和平友谊纽带 五角星和平鸽彩带“7”等元素共同构成。会徽设计简洁大气、色彩艳丽、构思巧妙、寓意丰富. For this year, because  The elements are combined with  +  in the emblem of the Game , like  peace, friendship, stars as well as , pigeon and number 7, thus  + are combined together to bring us a colorful and mysterious design.(此处介绍会徽的含义并配合寓意,突出本届运动会的不同意味)

吉祥物名为兵兵,设计灵感来源于中国一级重点保护野生动物、长江流域的洄游鱼种——中华鲟。象征着新时代的中国愿以更加开放包容、热情好客的姿态与各国友人一道共享友谊、同筑和平。Bing bing is known as mascot which  -The mascot is called Bing bing. It is a kind of precious river fish along the field. living in the Yangtze River, and can represent -Represented in a  - an open, warm hearted stylish to embrace + of our friends from all over the world.( 可爱的吉祥物是友谊的使者,将中华文化传播至世界各地)

我最喜爱的项目是游泳,眼见选手在绿水中拼博竞技的表现真的是令人叹为观止。它不仅是一项全身性的运动,更需要力量与技艺的完美结合。希望这次比赛能够让我大饱眼福。Swimming takes my fancy most. As a total - pure physical exercise it covers - takes/ prepresents  not only strong powers but also some tactics. I hope the games could show me some fantastic moments.

跳伞也是我憧憬与回忆的项目。对于有过跳伞经验的我来说,它既是对胆量的测试也是对生活的热爱。作为本次军事特色项目,这无疑会吸引广大观众与项目爱好者的眼球。Parachuting is one of the special stylish terms out of olympics games. So far I still could recall the situations  myself as a challenger in my memories. Thus, it must be a dare- or -not game for most of audiences. Quite expecting!(将举例放入文章,增加比赛的细节描述与可看性,更吸引考官的好奇心)


In the end, let’s wait and see the super-large games. Wish it is - would be crowned with complete   great success.(结尾是满满的祝福,体现出自己与家乡深厚的情谊)


同学们,下次如果再考你 Describe a sports event you are willing to watch,不用我说你也知道,什么是最佳答案吧?



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