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小小外交官,国际大视野 ——常春藤实验学校第2届模拟联合国活动

发布时间:2021-01-06 16:15:52

小小外交官,国际大视野 ——常春藤实验学校第2届模拟联合国活动
Do you want to know how the diplomats of various countries conduct negotiations on international issues?

Are you curious about the organizations and conferences in the United Nations?

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a diplomat on the world stage in the future?
Introduction :Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches participants speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. Usually an extracurricular activity, some schools also offer Model UN as a class. It is meant to engage students and allow them to develop deeper understanding into current world issues.

General Committees Arrangement 
-In Primary School (G5+) each homeroom will be turned into a United Nations Committee, where each student will be assigned a different country. 



在10月中下旬,各国代表们开始着手准备书写立场文件Position Paper。他们就①Child labor 童工; ②Zero hunger 没有饥饿; ③Quality education 有质量的教育等议题展开研究调查,在相关官方网站上进行文献查阅、资料搜集;随后学习了解班级导师给出的关于立场文件的书写格式等开始撰写了自己“国家”的相关议题的立场文件草稿/PPT 。获得指导老师们的修改建议后,小代表们经过反复修订,最终形成正式的立场文件。


1)October 12-16: Students are assigned different countries by their homeroom/social studies teachers.

2)October 19-23: Students conduct research on their countries and develop their opening statements.  

3)October 26-28: Teachers review and train students on MUN debating rules and procedures. 






In the class, students change their identities. They become the diplomats of different countries. 


Next, let’s take a look at the wonderful moments of the  school students as diplomats from various countries. 

围绕这些立场文件,小代表们精心提炼Opening Speech。10月28日,经过有序的前期准备,“模拟联合国大会”正式召开,小小外交官们精神抖擞,自信满满。在他们面前,每人都有一个制作精美的长方形国家牌,规范地写明国家全称,给整场活动增添了满满仪式感。
